Other Resources
Resources for tenants from outside sources.
Tenant Resources > Other Resources
List of Other Resources
Valuable resources for renters in Ontario from tenant advocates, legal organizations, the City of Toronto, and the Province of Ontario.
Tenant Advocates
- ACTO: Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario
- CLEO: Community Legal Education Ontario
- FMTA: Federation of Metro Tenants' Associations
- Legal Aid Ontario
Government Resources
Tenant Advocates
The Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario (ACTO) is a specialty community legal clinic with a provincial mandate to advance and protect the interests of low-income tenants. They specialize in housing issues related to tenants in Ontario.
Top Resources:
- Tenant Duty Counsel Program. Free legal advice and assistance provided to tenants at the Landlord and Tenant Board.
Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO) develops clear, accurate, and practical legal rights education and information to help people understand and exercise their legal rights. Their work focuses on providing information to people who face barriers to accessing the justice system, including income, disability, literacy, and language.
Top Resources:
- Steps to Justice. Detailed, step-by-step answers to 90+ legal questions about housing law in Ontario.
The Federation of Metro Tenants' Associations (FMTA) is a non-profit organization which advocates for better rights for Tenants. Founded in 1974, they are the oldest and largest Tenant Federation in Canada. The FMTA is comprised of affiliated Tenant Associations and of individual Members.
Top Resources:
- Tenant Hotline. Fast and accurate answers to renters' questions about tenants' rights in Ontario.
- Online Resources. Informative guides about tenants' rights in Ontario in 20+ languages.
Legal Aid Ontario (LAO) provides legal assistance for low-income people living in Ontario. Legal Aid Ontario funds 73 community legal clinics throughout the province, including 13 clinics in Toronto.
Top Resources:
- Community Legal Clinics. Legal information, advice, and representation for low-income people in Ontario.
Government Resources
The Province of Ontario enacted the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) in 2007. The RTA governs the relationship between landlords and tenants in Ontario, and is enforced through the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB).
The City of Toronto offers a number of programs that Akelius tenants may find helpful, including RentSafeTO and the Tenant Defence Fund. Tenants can also connect with a number of municipal services through 311.